November 2022

Homeward Bound!

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Mission Accomplished! Well, sort of :-) Our sixteen days have come to an end and we are ready to meet up with our dear families soon. We are waiting at our gate in Frankfurt, Germany tired but feeling so satisfied and grateful! We thank God for all he has allowed us to do. Throughout each day we have called out to God to be our strength, to give us words and to fill our hearts with his love so we can pour it out on others. We thank God for safety! Our driver Tom was an answer to our prayers and the prayers of our families and supporters. God gave us safety with Tom's amazing ability to navigate the backroads and the highways of Kenya. We told him that he was prayed for and he was very humbled by that. We thank you our VOH supporters!! We are all part of the same team that shows God's mercy to widows and orphans. This trip/mission could not ever happen without all of you rallying with fundraising, prayer, and commitment! Your efforts are being blessed! Our widows testified over and over about the changes that have happened in their lives through your support. Lastly, thank you to our dear families back home. You have also sacrificed so much by allowing us to go on this journey! We are longing to be with you all again! May God's benediction rest upon all of us! ~Sue~ (for the crew :-) )

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