Adventures in the Bateys

Written by: 
Emma, Heidi, Joseph


Our last morning here at Juan tomas started with a steaming square of cake for breakfast. After packing up we left for a tour of the days for girls sewing centre. There the guys laid out the foundation for the new sewing centre! The girls left to go do crafts, bible stories and games with the children at a local church. We all gathered back at the sewing centre to enjoy a delcious lunch of guess what...? Rice, beans and chicken!! A new change for us is that we were able to sit at their kitchen table! Then we all piled back in the van and took an hour and a half drive down a BUMPY dirt road to the Bateys Vasca village. This village is in the middle of the sugar cane fields. For miles in each direction all you can see is sugarcane! The local village people welcomed us with smiles and they immediately grabbed us to play kickball and games. The pastors wife cooked us an american supper of fries and fried chicken! We attended a midweek church service where we got the chance to sing a few more songs. We closed the night together and headed off to bed. Goodnight!

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