Haiti has lived through a history of instability. After a massive earthquake hit Haiti in 2010—one that decimated over 300,000 people—it became the poorest country in the West.
Haiti has a history of instability. After a massive earthquake hit Haiti in 2010—one that flattened the capital city killing over 300,000 people—it became the poorest country in the West. In the wake of that event, 1.5 million people were left homeless. Of those that do have shelter, 75% lack running water. These unsanitary living conditions contribute to a high rate of disease. Haiti’s education system was set back as well, as resources were moved toward items most necessary for survival. In this poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, 80% of the population lives in abject poverty.
The situation in Haiti is currently very unpredictable and uncertain. With another earthquake in August 2021, the assassination of President Moise, and gangs taking over much of the capital city, the country has become extremely unstable. Riots and looting take place in various parts of the country.
Hungry For Life works with ministries in Haiti that support local communities. They share the love of Christ through their ministries to people who are living in darkness.
Million people
Live in extreme
Lack access to clean
Lack access to basic
Lack basic literacy
Lack employment
Year life expectancy

Agricultural development


Church and discipleship

Community development

Community development



House construction

Leadership and entrepreneurship

MACOL development

Medical Clinic

Nutritional Center

Pastoral training and evangelism

School Construction

School construction
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