Mexican child smiling







A tale of two hungers

Physical poverty

Three billion people find themselves in poverty, unable to meet basic needs, lacking shelter, clothing, water and food.

Spiritual poverty

The Western world is blessed with unprecedented material wealth. But lives of excess have left people hungry for more.

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A group of people standing next to each other in a field.

Change powered by a global community

The world’s problems are overwhelming, but together we can change lives.

From churches and community groups to businesses and charities, Hungry For Life connects groups hungry to help communities in need.


We believe in fostering lasting relationships through direct engagement that results in life change.

Cochrane Alliance ChurchA group of young happy children standing next to each other.

Cochrane Alliance Church - February 2025

San Raymundo, Guatemala

The Cochrane team will be involved in a church construction project in Chivoc, working along side Pastor Victoriano. The Cochrane team will also be involved in a VBS program, teaching English to kids and also providing and distributing food hampers.


Where we work

Aside from the below countries, we also work in a few closed-access nations.

Projects spotlight

Powerful stories from around the globe. Read about life-changing work that tackles physical and spiritual poverty.

EducationA group of young happy children standing next to each other.


Fudesa Ministry oversees the operations of the private Christian Fountain of Life School. Classes start at preschool and go through grade 12, with over 450 students enrolled and over 40 staff members. Teachers are a vital part of the school community providing students with an exceptional Christian education. Spiritual growth is a cornerstone of Fountain of Life’s mission. 

The school campus is divided by the road that leads to the village center. Classrooms for educating pre-school to grade 6 sit on one side of the road, and on the other side are classrooms for grades 7-12. 

As a private Christian school they rely on partners that support the operations of the school, so that they can support their staff members, pay for the school supplies, and provide the best Christian education that so many children are able to receive. 
With a donating for this project, either a one-time or monthly donation, you support the Fountain of Life School directly in their day to day operations.

Medical supportA group of young happy children standing next to each other.

Medical support

Pro Infancia is a ministry that contributes to the physical, biopsychosocial and spiritual development of children and adolescents, through opportunities and initiatives for the promotion and protection of their rights, integrating the family, community, and the state in the Dominican Republic. Pro Infancia focusses on comprehensive health in rural communities, education and communication, income generation, community actions, and social participation.

Pro Infancia, in partnership with impoverished rural batey villages, focusses on providing health care to children and pregnant women in these communities. Together with medical teams from Canada, primary care is provided to patients who otherwise would not have access to health care. The Pro Infancia team and the Canadian team work alongside each other to promote the overall well-being of many patients in the communities.

Days For Girls ProinfanciaA group of young happy children standing next to each other.

Days For Girls Proinfancia

In partnership with our Dominican partner, Carlos Pimentel, and his ministry Proinfancia, we support the Days for Girls (DFG) program in the Dominican Republic. Proinfancia focuses on menstrual health education and the production and distribution of menstrual kits containing supplies that allow girls to manage their menstruation.

Since almost 100% of vulnerable girls between 10 and 18 years old, living in poverty in the rural batey villages, have no access to feminine hygiene, it soon became clear that these girls are in great need of Days For Girls education and kits. These girls are at risk of sexual abuse, in danger of child trafficking, exposed to a "teen pregnancy epidemic," and isolated due to cultural taboos related to menstruation.

Proinfancia's goal is to provide menstrual health education and DFG kits to girls in the Dominican Republic through schools and female groups. One Days For Girls kit can be used for 3 years, enabling the girls to attend school and live their lives during their menstruation period.

Proinfancia produces the feminine hygiene kits in-country in their sewing centers, facilitating jobs for women who help produce the kits. With the support of many Canadian partners and the incredible work of Dominican Days For Girls ambassadors, Proinfancia produced and distributed over 13,000 feminine hygiene kits to women in the Dominican Republic in 2022.

Come alongside Proinfancia and support their goal to provide every girl in the Dominican Republic with a Days For Girls feminine hygiene kit.

Community OutreachA group of young happy children standing next to each other.

Community Outreach

Proinfancia and Empowering Action work closely with local churches in different communities. They strongly believe that the local church should serve their communities and reach out to people in need. Together with church leaders, they organize community outreach programs to serve the community and spread the Gospel message through word and deed.

Proinfancia provides a health and nutrition program in collaboration with nurses in the church community. The program serves families with young children, pregnant women, and the elderly who have health issues and are at risk of malnourishment. Proinfancia uses software to keep track of children who are malnourished and supports the families with food hampers and medication. Additionally, nurses visit the families regularly to conduct health check-ups.

Empowering Action organizes other community outreach programs, supporting church leaders and equipping them to reach out to their neighbors in the community. These programs include Bible School programs for children, community roundtable conversations, and house visits. Teams from our Canadian partners work alongside local churches to reach people in the community.

Community developmentA group of young happy children standing next to each other.

Community development

Together with our international partner, Carlos Pimentel, HFL comes alongside local leaders in rural communities in the Dominican Republic. We mainly work in the community New Jerusalem and the batey villages Vasca and Paraiso.

New Jerusalem is a community close to the outside of Santo Domingo. Carlos works together with the local community leader and pastor, Eddyson Duclair, and his wife, Nancy. Their dream is to develop the community and serve the people that comprise it. There is currently a preschool with 81 children and the same school is used as a Haitian and Dominican Church.

Batey Vasca and Batey Paraiso are close to the town Consuelo. Both communities are part of the same sugar cane field where one company owns the factory. Carlos Pimentel is motivated to support the local leader and pastor, David, and his wife Ana, and together work on developing the communities. There are numerous opportunities to focus on in the batey villages and New Jerusalem.

Carlos and the three organizations that he works for, provide all kinds of development programs in the communities where the need is multi-dimensional, and the problems are complex. Hungry For Life is looking forward to supporting the projects our partner is carrying out.

Leadership developmentA group of young happy children standing next to each other.

Leadership development

The Institute for Christian Holistic Training (ITCI) and Empowering Action aims to train pastors and community leaders in communities in the Dominican Republic. Through their programs, ITCI seeks to strengthen the godly character of servant leaders in the communities and to provide tools and abilities to increase the competences of local leaders.

These ministries, led by Carlos Pimental, developed a variety of curricula to provide training in small groups and communities to equip the local leaders and pastors, with a focus on the basics of Christianity, so that they can apply biblical principles in all aspects of life. ITCI also provides other resources to multiply mentors in the communities.

EducationA group of young happy children standing next to each other.


Through sponsorship AMG Guatemala is able to provide multiple opportunities for children to hear and respond to the gospel, education that helps children grow into responsible, independent, self-disciplines and creative problem solvers, nutritious food, healthcare assistance, athletic opportunities and loving discipleship that leads to children discovering their identity in Christ and their worth and purpose.

EducationA group of young happy children standing next to each other.


La escuela Jesus Vienne is a place of love and learning. It is a safe place for students to hear about the love of God and to experience it first hand through the teachers' encouraging words and the fellowship of the student body.

Public schools in San Raymundo are over-crowded and under staffed so, as a result, the quality of education is very poor.

Sponsorship of students allows the staff to be provided with a small salary and to help in the expenses of the supplies needed to keep classes running. Groups that sponsor children at the school are encouraged to make a trip, meet the students and create ties that encourage students to do well and show the visiting team the value of sponsorship.

The board at Jesus Vienne Church has a vision to build a new school that will equip children in the community with a strong, Christian-based education, especially for those students who are not currently attending school because of financial difficulties.

The building will be an extension of the church, with classrooms doubling as Sunday School space.

Olive Branch Operational SupportA group of young happy children standing next to each other.

Olive Branch Operational Support

Situated in two Internally Displaced Peoples (IDP) Camps, Olive Branch's centers offer a space of reprieve for women dealing with prolonged or complex trauma. Together, a group of women work alongside a trained staff to discuss and progress through a multi-faceted curriculum addressing trauma and resiliency.

Additionally, women are given the opportunity to engage in tactile skills development in the course; starting or honing tangible take-home aptitudes which can provide a needed income source for families.


man smiling around kids - Hungry For Life (HFL) is a non-profit based out of Chilliwack BC, Canada that works alongside churches, community groups & businesses to reach out to global communities in need, help transform lives, fight extreme poverty, and end needless suffering. Moving People Towards Life.

Spiritual vibrancy through worldwide compassion

Helping you to have a direct global impact by:

Listening to your priorities

We listen to what's important to your group and find a suitable, global partner.

Building a plan

We work alongside you to build a custom international partnership plan.

Engaging with communities

We help you go and engage in the world.

Changing others’ lives will change your own

Our organization connects people together through meaningful long-term projects, bringing about physical and spiritual change.

Ready to change lives?

With a few clicks, you can make a financial difference in the fight against global poverty. Making a contribution is simple, yet impactful.

Connect your church or group with a community and start something that will inspire others to enact lasting change in the world.

Hungry For Life (HFL) is a non-profit based out of Chilliwack BC, Canada that works alongside churches, community groups & businesses to reach out to global communities in need, help transform lives, fight extreme poverty, and end needless suffering. Moving People Towards Life.
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