A tale of two hungers
Physical poverty
Three billion people find themselves in poverty, unable to meet basic needs, lacking shelter, clothing, water and food.
Spiritual poverty
The Western world is blessed with unprecedented material wealth. But lives of excess have left people hungry for more.

Change powered by a global community
The world’s problems are overwhelming, but together we can change lives.
From churches and community groups to businesses and charities, Hungry For Life connects groups hungry to help communities in need.
We believe in fostering lasting relationships through direct engagement that results in life change.
Where we work
Aside from the below countries, we also work in a few closed-access nations.
Projects spotlight
Powerful stories from around the globe. Read about life-changing work that tackles physical and spiritual poverty.

Spiritual vibrancy through worldwide compassion
Helping you to have a direct global impact by:
Listening to your priorities
We listen to what's important to your group and find a suitable, global partner.
Building a plan
We work alongside you to build a custom international partnership plan.
Engaging with communities
We help you go and engage in the world.
Changing others’ lives will change your own
Our organization connects people together through meaningful long-term projects, bringing about physical and spiritual change.

Build global friendships
Your partnership with leaders in developing countries will result in changed lives and communities. People in your church or group will never be the same once they build global friendships.
Featured resources
Access our latest and most popular posts, eBooks, and podcasts on social issues, from poverty and injustice to leadership and faith.
Ready to change lives?
With a few clicks, you can make a financial difference in the fight against global poverty. Making a contribution is simple, yet impactful.
Connect your church or group with a community and start something that will inspire others to enact lasting change in the world.