Tuesday started off as a beautiful morning and just got better as we went to Arise and Shine to spend time with 4-6 year olds .We received a warm and hearty welcome there , with many sweet smiles and a fun welcome song. This is a program for any community children which prepares them for grade 1 . These are children that would otherwise not have access to education and it also provides them with 2 meals per day . We then went around the corner to visit Sabane Secondary School to assess how the school staff are managing and update their current needs . The kids really appreciated the soccer balls , skipping ropes and frisbees that had been donated . We stopped in to visit with a widow and her family on our way back to the house for lunch .
Our next stop after lunch was to a local gold mine . It was very interesting to see , we had a guide who explained everything to us . The people that work at these mines put in exhausting hours with constant grinding noise and much risk to personal safety .
We then went to Esnas and Milka’s (2 of our ladies on VOH program) homes to make a traditional ‘Green Gram, Chapatis and Cabbage’ meal . We all worked together preparing and cooking the food over open fires inside their homes. By supper time about 11 neighbourhood children had ‘dropped’ in and they were all welcome to join us for a cozy time of fellowship , laughter and great food . We all walked the path back to our driver and van around 1900h with a cozy warm feeling in our hearts after having spent this precious time together
A full day of children , concern, culture and cooking
God continues to bless us daily