It was a day for full heads and full hearts. A day with a full, overflowing van and a day
of hygiene teaching to a full house of secondary students.
Our alarms went off early in the morning. We were to be at the van taking us to our
visits by 7:30. The early departure time was chosen to beat the noon heat. It was
surprisingly chilly! All day! Rain too!
Our first visit went well. We were thankful to see Rosaline doing well. She had a thriving
kitchen garden. This area of Kenya is so dry! But, thanks to the gutters and tank Voice
of Hope supplied for her she was able to start a garden of local green and cow peas to
augment her family’s diet. Last year not one of our widows had a kitchen garden due to
the extreme dry and hot conditions so having tanks and gutters installed has been a
huge blessing to them.
Off we trundled to our next visit. Monica. We were greeted by Phelix and Catharine,
two of Monica’s grandchildren while Monica was hurrying home from a sick visit to a
neighbour. Monica’s house is full! Full of grandchildren and great grandchildren!
We had a bit of a confusing time wrapping our heads around who was who. I do
believe it was mostly sorted out in the end. Our heads were full!
How hard and hopeless it must be for Monica to know that the grandchildren who have
grown and have finished their schooling can’t seem to find gainful employment. We
pray for them, that God will provide. At Monica’s also the water tank and gutters have
proved a blessing to the family.
As we were wrapping up and moving towards the van for a visit with Consolata we
were urged to hurry as there was an emergency at Consolata’s. Daughter Lillian was in
labour with her 3rd child and not doing well. Silas, our driver, drove as quickly as
possible along the deeply rutted roads. We were able to squeeze Lillian and a
neighbour lady who was assisting with the birth into the van. Our van was full!
We made it safely to a clinic with a sigh of relief. She was moved from the clinic by
ambulance to a nearby hospital.
Mother Consolata is delayed and is often unstable. Lillian is very delayed. This is now
her third child. Who knows how she’s been treated. Used. Who knows what will
God put us in the neighbourhood at this very time and moment. We thank God that
Lillian is now in good care. We pray God for wisdom. Our hearts are full.
By now we were quite late and running behind schedule. Buying some bananas and a
loaf of bread along the roadside to eat with the jar of peanut butter we’d been
savouring we saved a good bit of time. The suitcases full of backpacks and pencil
cases for the young men, and the duffel bags full of kits for the girls were quickly
shipped to the school in a pickup while we followed in the van.
Sadly we could only teach the hygiene and Godly Man/Woman to only part of the Bar
Olengo Secondary School as there were so many students. Approximately 110 boys
and about as many girls were able to squeeze into their respective classrooms.
A full house!
They were attentive and well behaved students. Lauri and Carla had the boys in
stitches many times as did Linda and her teaching team with the girls.
All fun and joking aside, it was such a privilege to be able to teach the beauty of God’s
creation of the human body. What a privilege to tell them they are special in the eyes of
the Lord. He has made them. They are precious. What an awesome responsibility to
teach God’s way of sex and sexuality. May God be pleased to stir the hearts of our
young listeners into obedience and a life of holiness.
Truly at the end of this blessed, full day our minds are full, our hearts are full, our
emotions are full.