Wednesday morning, we woke bright and early for a wonderful breakfast at 0600 and were on the road to Kakamega by 714. Tom remains our trusty driver which by the end of the day would take on a whole new meaning.
We stopped at a view point to look at The Great Rift Valley. A huge expansive valley where animals used to live and travel through. This area is lush and is now being used for homes, and farm land . The Great Rift runs from Israel to Mozambique.
The animals no longer roam there, they are now kept in gated parks for their own safety and preservation from poacher/hunters .
Along the roadside on our travels we saw numerous markets boasting tomatoes, carrots, cabbages, watermelons, potatoes, bagged onions and bananas.
We also saw monkeys, zebras, antelope in parks, as well as donkeys, goats and other farm animals along the roadside and inland grazing. Farm animals were attached to a peg in the ground with a rope .
Anytime we slowed down in towns and cities there were avid salesmen on the street at our van windows trying to sell drinks and craft items.
Traffic is a whole different story by itself, in a traffic circle we would encounter tuk tuks, people on bicycles , motorcycles, buses, trucks ..big trucks in a very tight little space with hair- raising navigation. We are so very thankful for Tom's keen driving skills. (Delia even relented in wanting to drive the van for the day)
We arrived at our home for the next while tired, hungry and thankful for the opportunity to be part of this amazing experience to walk alongside our sisters in Christ in their everyday struggles and blessings they experience. God is good , God is faithful. We stand amazed at His creation and mercies.