Hello all!
I’d like to say we accomplished a lot today, none of it possible, without God’s gracious hand! We started the day off visiting two lovely ladies, Miriam and Sulemena. Next we went to a school where they had gathered the kids ages 13-19. We taught them the importance of hygiene, puberty, and how to be Godly men and women. It rained “pigs and cows” while we were there, so Marilyn got the chance to practice her inside shouting voice! After that we made our way to Felisters home. This beautiful woman has marked her house with the text- “Faith without works is dead”. At around 3:30 we jumped in the van to visit dear Leah and Jones, who with much patience and grace taught us how to make chapatis and green grams. They have some very impressive skills! We ended the night singing How Great Thou Art as a true Kenyan thunderstorm rolled over us.