We started our day bright and early with breakfast and packing. Today we were on our way to Nsanje (son-jay)! After filling up on eggs and toast with peanut butter or Nutella we loaded the bus with all our supplies and headed for the Chigumikure childcare center. The 3 hour drive was down a mountain with beautiful views of the Shire valley and a nice fresh breeze. The weather stayed cool all morning until we arrived at the center. As we started unloading our supplies, the sun started to show itself and warm us up. once everything was organized and the plans for the rest of the day laid, we spent some time with the children and enjoyed listening to their Bible story lesson on Noah and the ark.
We were served a delicious lunch of nsima, beans, and cabbage. Nsima (see-ma) is the base of all the meals at the childcare center, made with maize flour and water to create a dough to be eaten with vegetables or some form or protien.
Once we finished lunch, we headed out into the field. Split up into teams, some of us worked on the water taps for the buildings and some on the greenhouse and nursery. Great progress for day 1!
As the heat got too hot to handle, we all packed back up into the bus and headed for our new lodging, the Kinzibi Lodge. One stop for cold drinks on the way and we are at our home for the week. After sorting out rooms and "showering" with buckets of water we headed for a delicious dinner of chicken and rice. Once the power came on and we could shower for real, we all freshened up and headed for bed.
A great first day! Meeting the children, the field workers and the teachers is so special and we can't wait to hang out with them all week!We started our day bright and early with breakfast and packing. Today we were on our way to Nsanje (son-jay)! After filling up on eggs and toast with peanut butter or Nutella we loaded the bus with all our supplies and headed for the Chigumikure childcare center. The 3 hour drive was down a mountain with beautiful views of the Shire valley and a nice fresh breeze. The weather stayed cool all morning until we arrived at the center. As we started unloading our supplies, the sun started to show itself and warm us up. once everything was organized and the plans for the rest of the day laid, we spent some time with the children and enjoyed listening to their Bible story lesson on Noah and the ark.
We were served a delicious lunch of nsima, beans, and cabbage. Nsima (see-ma) is the base of all the meals at the childcare center, made with maize flour and water to create a dough to be eaten with vegetables or some form or protien.
Once we finished lunch, we headed out into the field. Split up into teams, some of us worked on the water taps for the buildings and some on the greenhouse and nursery. Great progress for day 1!
As the heat got too hot to handle, we all packed back up into the bus and headed for our new lodging, the Kinzibi Lodge. One stop for cold drinks on the way and we are at our home for the week. After sorting out rooms and "showering" with buckets of water we headed for a delicious dinner of chicken and rice. Once the power came on and we could shower for real, we all freshened up and headed for bed.
A great first day! Meeting the children, the field workers and the teachers is so special and we can't wait to hang out with them all week!