We all arose after various levels of sleep to enjoy breakfast together before heading out to visit the Seje water project. The project comprises 14km of hand trenched piping reaching three communities and 6 water points. It’s a rough and rocky descent to the pump house that reminds us how incredible it is to have the water available up on the plateau. There is a spectacular view point overlooking the valley on the plateau, where we stopped and marveled at God’s creation.We then had a chance to walk to two home visits, it felt great getting out of the van to stretch our legs. One of our women, Benta shared with us about how encouraged she was by the spiritual group in Seje, the women gather weekly to study the word of God, to encourage one another and provide what help they can to their sisters in Christ when there is need. The women have formed an informal table banking group and are busy working on starting businesses that will help them live more sustainable lives. We were amazed and joyous, even got goosebumps listening to how this little group of 10 women are determined to advance. They have named their group Women helping Women group, and we couldn’t be more proud of them. We made a quick stop at Seje Primary and Jr Secondary school next, and the spontaneous shouts of MUZUNGU MUZUNGU! Accompanied by laughter and cheering made the best welcome ever. We greeted children and teachers and toured the school and agricultural projects and were as always so impressed with the level of education provided, and the determination to raise up the community.In the afternoon we visited 105 year young Sara and her daughter in law Grace. Sara is starting to slow down, but she is still a spitfire when she gets going; Singing and praising God, praying blessings on us and exclaiming about the goodness of her Lord. Every home visit is precious and we are privileged to be in the lives of these women, but when I stop to imagine what changes Sara has seen in 105 years in Kenya I am in awe.You know from yesterday’s blog that we had a pounding rainstorm in Bar Olengo, but just a few kilometers further down the road in Seje it just sprinkled. Tonight it absolutely poured at the hotel. and we pray it made it to Seje, but sadly believe it did not. For whatever reason Seje is in a rain shadow and the lack of rain really holds back the community. They are doing what they can, planting more trees and praying, in hopes of attracting the elusive rain clouds, but nothing yet. Your prayers for this community are appreciated. Thank you for all your comments and encouraging words, we appreciate. The team is doing well and enjoying the variety of activities and the opportunity to see what our good and loving God is up to here in Kenya.