Two countries = One team

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The Team


A large portion of today was spent putting together 500 food and hygiene hampers! Between the two countries/one team we had an efficient assembly line. The unique feature of the food hampers was that it contained all the ingredients to make paska (Easter bread) for Sunday, May 5 which is when the Ukrainian orthodox church will celebrate Easter.

After lunch, we visited a memorial site honouring fallen soldiers from this area. Our host shared that the dynamics of the city have been significantly altered during the war, due to many lives lost and the many that have fled.

After our memorial site visit, we went to the House of Prayer Church to honour the loved ones of the fallen soldiers. The church was packed (mostly with women) and a number of bereaved ladies shared their stories of loss. The team was introduced, the church group sang some songs, and Rob shared the gospel message of hope, including an altar call. Praise God that several ladies accepted Jesus! After the formal program, we gathered outside to fellowship over tea and coffee and get to know the ladies on a more personal level.

We ended the day with a Ukrainian sushi feast.

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