“Caring for each other makes our spirit soar”
And our spirits rose to the heights today! We started our journey after a brief 5 hour sleep, with a 3-5 hr drive to Jinja. I was looking forward to seeing Janet, a your girl that Shona and I sponsored in 2015. Sadly on our last trip to Uganda in 2022 we weren’t able to
make it to see her. We keep in touch with photos and letters but nothing prepared me for the poised beautiful 19 year old young woman who we spent the afternoon and early evening with.
Janet has a medical condition that my daughter shares and that has brought her closer to my heart. She has a beautiful singing voice and has placed in competitions and graced us with a song today. At this young age she has had both of her hips replaced and deals with ongoing pain issues, but you would never know that looking at her lovely smile and peaceful demeanour. I asked so many questions that I felt with her answers I was meeting her all anew. We took her out for lunch and then drove to her home to see her mom and bless her with food gifts from the church. Janet now boards at school and is loving school. She wants to become a nurse one day. Sadly we returned her to the school and I left her knowing she was in the safe hands of pastor Michael with Andaba ministries. Unfortunately even knowing this it didn’t ease my pain and tears.
We finished our day with two other home visits that blessed us deeply. How wonderful it is to share the gifts that the church has prepared for these families and our small tokens from Canada.
The home visits can be hard at times. They are balanced with such gratitude and prayers and knowledge that we have truly touched people’s lives. We finished our day feeling that loving and caring send a river of joy through us all.