In the afternoon we went on two home visits. The first one was with Alice, a widower raising 2 of her grandchildren. She graciously welcomed us into her home. Alice shared her story of how she was blessed with a house and about her concern for her children. We prayed and sang together. It was a very emotional time of connection. We gave gifts to the family and Alice was so very happy about receiving a new dress. It was exciting to see her so excited. The next home visit we went to was with a widow Florence, also raising three grandchildren. She is a very hard-working women, she sells some of her garden vegetables to buy some chickens so she can provide for her family. She is also a volunteer community health worker. Florence shared her story with us and we had another rich time of prayer and singing.It was a very hot day! So, when it started to cool off and rain, we couldn’t help ourselves and dance in it. We felt the presence of God throughout the whole day.
Amazing full day in Kakamega. Our team came together for morning devotion reading and discussing Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the lord with all your heart” and that is what our EVE Team did.Today was Women’s Day where women in the Voice of Hope program are invited to come together from the community. We were together for the morning, and it was in incredible. It started with a time of worship where the message was about taking our burdens to God. I found this to be such a powerful message, since so many of the people present have many struggles and have very little resources. The group also sang beautifully. We all enjoyed hearing the songs they were singing. After our time of worship Everlyne, one of the leaders, talked to the group about safety and gold mining and stressed the importance of not touching mercury. I found this concerning, but this is how some people in this community make money. The EVE team presented our education on women’s health and violence prevention to the whole group. Then the group was divided into two, a women’s group and a young teen group. The smaller groups were encouraged to talk about and identify needs they thought are important to change in their community. This was a community driven workshop. After a short time, the group came together and shared the information. We closed the time together with prayer. The people are so welcoming and open to sharing their stories.