Today we departed from the poor Haitian town of Vasca after an eventful night of enduring the screams from legion upon legion of roosters and all manner of unearthly things that keep a civilized person awake. For us guys we had to pack up all our earthly possessions from the church floor and play hopscotch with the cow paddies and the occasional bees nest on the way to the pastor's house where the ladies had the luxury of the fans...After breakfast we all said good bye to the locals before heading to the bus. Not only will the bus need new shocks and extensive repairs to the bottom, but all of us teens will be visiting the chiropractor for much needed recovery after traversing the "roads" through the sugar cane fields.Upon completion of an hour and a half bus ride it was a mad dash for the boat to take is to an island for a day of much needed rest. The boat stopped for half an hour and everyone hit the water for some well earned swimming before continuing on to the island. Lunch ensued and ended with two hours of recreation from getting massages, to spike ball, to swimming in the ocean.Once back on mainland it was just over an hour drive to a good dinner, showers, debrief and luxurious rest. Today was a good day of much needed rest and we are filled with mixed emotions about coming home tomorrow.